1,300.500 GBP
1.530 GBP / KG Price displayed may differ from your price. Sign in to view account pricing.
Package Type: 
IBC  (850 kgs)
Prices shown exclude VAT
Butyl glycol is a versatile colorless liquid used in a wide range of industrial and consumer products. Miscible with both water and oil, it acts as an effective solvent, helping to dissolve other ingredients and keep them evenly mixed. This makes it valuable in paints, coatings, inks, and various cleaning solutions. Butyl glycol also boasts low volatility, meaning it evaporates slowly, and is a good choice for applications needing controlled drying times.
Product No. 2051421
Supplier UNIVAR
CAS 111-76-2
Applications Solvent in paints, coatings, inks, cleaning solutions, printing inks for leather, textile dyes, hydraulic fluids, drilling and cutting oils, and oil spill dispersants.
  • Miscibility with water and oil
  • Low volatility for controlled drying
  • Effective dissolving power for even mixtures


Product Details

Group Name
Glycol Ethers E Series
Sub Group Name

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